Time travelling

Time travel has been something that has fascinated generations of people.
The very idea of time travel has been seen as early as the Mahabharata to more recently the Terminator series.
The ability to change time is one of the most mythical of sciences.
Many people have theoretically tried to time travel but never practically.
It opens up whole new avenues into learning about the past the future and everything in between.
It’ll allow us to understand our very existence a bit better.
The possibilities are endless yet the most common reason is quite simply psychological.

People make mistakes.
People regret their actions.
People just want to change their past to make it better.
There are many things that you and I want to change in our lives but will it actually make a difference?

The mistakes we’ve made define us and our future actions.
Our regret is what makes us what we are.
There is no saying for sure whether or not we will be different even if we change something in the past.
I have made mistakes, a lot of them infact.
I regret and punish myself for a lot of my actions.
Have those actions made me a better person?
I now have the knowledge that will prevent me from committing those mistakes over again.
But does that mean I haven’t?
Of course not, in fact I’ve made those very same mistakes again.
Its not because I didn’t know that it was the wrong thing to do.
I just simply chose to ignore it.

As they say, Ignorance is bliss.

If I were given the opportunity to travel through time to make amends, i would politely decline.
I am who I am now because of those mistakes and i don’t want to change.
Neither should you…


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